The Restoration Guide To Help Repair And Upgrade Old Windows And Doors In Historic Homes

If you're restoring a historic home, there are probably modern upgrades and improvements that you need to do. The windows and doors can be a challenge because you want to preserve the history of a home. Therefore, you may want to do things differently to restore the windows and doors, as well as update them to make your historic home more modern and efficient. The following tips will help you with the restoration of windows and doors to update your historic home.

1. Hardware Restoration to Help Repair Old Historic Doors and Make Them Look New Again 

One of the first things that you will want to do when restoring historic doors and windows is to check the hardware. You want to restore things like hinges and locks. For doors, there is more hardware that needs to be restored, which can include outdated locks that you want to preserve but update to be able to secure your home. A door restoration will be able to help you with the restoration and upgrades to the hardware.  

2. Repairing and Replacing Historic Woodwork of Old Windows and Doors in Your Home 

Historic windows and doors are usually handcrafted woodwork that can sometimes be difficult to find replacements for. Therefore, you may need professional help with the restorations to repair or replace the damaged woodwork that has rotted, been eaten by insects, or has a lot of wear that needs to be repaired.  

3. Updating the Insulation and Weather Seals of Your Historic Windows and Doors  

The frames of windows and doors in your home may not have the insulation that is installed in modern homes to stop air leaks. Therefore, one of the improvements that you will want to do during restoration is to add insulation in these areas. In addition, you may want to consider replacing weather stripping and seals around windows and doors to reduce energy loss in these areas of your home.  

4. Glass Replacement and Window Treatments to Make Old Windows and Doors More Efficient 

Lastly, the windows and doors in your home may have old glass that is thin, inefficient, and causes energy loss. Therefore, you will want to consider options to update the glass such as having it replaced with modern double-pane or energy-efficient replacements. If your front door has stained or colored glass, another option is to use window film to make it more efficient. For the windows, treatments like blinds and curtains can help reduce energy loss.  

These are some tips to help with the historic restoration of windows and doors and update them for a more modern and efficient home. If you need help restoring doors, contact a door repair service like Historic WoodWork  to help with repairs and improvements while preserving the history.  

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Surely, there are some things you love about your home, and other things you can't stand. Maybe the kitchen is too small, or perhaps the bathroom surfaces have begun to deteriorate. A remodeling service can help. Whether they make a few changes or gut the offending room to the shell and start over, they can transform your space into one you really love and appreciate. We've collected the articles on this website to help you learn more about remodeling, and also to inspire you to transform your home. Learn about popular options for kitchens, how to lay out a bathroom floor plan, and so much more.


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