5 Ways To Get Creative With Your Kitchen Cabinets

Remodeling your kitchen gives you an opportunity to get creative with your cabinets since you do not need to only have simple cabinets and drawers. Here are some ideas that will help your kitchen cabinets stand out. 

Diagonal Wine Storage

Does your family love to drink wine and have a wine rack that's a staple of your kitchen? You do not need to let this take up valuable counter space. It's possible to insert a diagonal wine rack where a cabinet would go so that your wine is on display. It can be as simple as taking pieces of wood that cross diagonally to create places where you can hold a few bottles of your favorite wine. 

Built In Utensil Divider Boxes 

There is no need to take a drawer used for utensils and put an unappealing plastic divider box inside of it. If you know a drawer is going to be used for utensils or silverware, you can build the dividers right into it. This will make the drawer more elegant by using wood, which will look much nicer every time you grab something out of the drawer. 

Corner Cabinet Lazy Susan 

Have a corner cabinet that you are worried will be hard to access? It's possible to install a lazy susan inside the cabinet. You can then rotate the shelf to reach everything that is within it, rather than dig through the items that are near the front. It's a feature you will not appreciate until your kitchen starts to get packed again. 

Cabinet Roll Trays

How often have you found it a struggle to reach items at the back of a cabinet? Those shelves do not need to be flat and stationary, since you can install a rolling tray that lets you pull the contents of the cabinet out so that you can see everything. You'll really utilize the back of those low cabinets because you have to get down low to see what's in there. 

Knife Block Drawer

Another item that tends to take up counter space is the knife block. However, you don't have to use a traditional knife block that sits up tall on the counter. You can turn a drawer into a horizontal knife block with guides that will keep the knives upright and easy to reach. It's a different way of accessing your knives, but you'll find that it can be a much better way to do it. 

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Transforming Your Space and Starting Anew

Surely, there are some things you love about your home, and other things you can't stand. Maybe the kitchen is too small, or perhaps the bathroom surfaces have begun to deteriorate. A remodeling service can help. Whether they make a few changes or gut the offending room to the shell and start over, they can transform your space into one you really love and appreciate. We've collected the articles on this website to help you learn more about remodeling, and also to inspire you to transform your home. Learn about popular options for kitchens, how to lay out a bathroom floor plan, and so much more.


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